(500-710 µm)

CELLETS® 500 is a subtype of pellets made of microcrystalline cellulose. The size ranges from 500 µm to 710 µm. Find more product information and technical specifications.

fig-3_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres


Compaction pressure can induce an undesirable solid-state polymorphic transition in drugs, fragmentation, loss of coated pellet integrity, and the decreased viability and vitality of microorganisms. Thus, the excipients with increased plasticity can be considered as an option to decrease the undesirable effects of compaction pressure. This study aims to increase the plasticity (to reduce the mean yield pressure; Py) of dried microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) by loading it with a specially selected plasticizer. Diethyl citrate (DEC), water, and glycerol were the considered plasticizers. Computation of solubility parameters was used to predict the miscibility of MCC with plasticizers (possible plasticization effect). Plasticizer-loaded MCC spheres with 5.0 wt.% of water, 5.2 wt.% of DEC, and 4.2 wt.% glycerol were obtained via the solvent method, followed by solvent evaporation. Plasticizer-loaded formulations were characterised by TGA, DSC, pXRD, FTIR, pressure-displacement profiles, and in-die Heckel plots. Py was derived from the in-die Heckel analysis and was used as a plasticity parameter. In comparison with non-plasticized MCC (Py = 136.5 MPa), the plasticity of plasticizer-loaded formulations increased (and Py decreased) from DEC (124.7 MPa) to water (106.6 MPa) and glycerol (99.9 MPa), and that was in full accordance with the predicted miscibility likeliness order based on solubility parameters. Therefore, water and glycerol were able to decrease the Py of non-plasticized MCC spheres by 16.3 and 30.0%, respectively. This feasibility study showed the possibility of modifying the plasticity of MCC by loading it with a specially selected plasticizer.

References to “The Increase in the Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres’ When Loaded with a Plasticizer”

Authors: Artūrs Paulausks, Tetiana Kolisnyk and Valentyn Mohylyuk

First published: Pharmaceutics 202416(7), 945; https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics16070945

1. Introduction

Being non-invasive and, in most cases, not requiring medical assistance, tablets for oral administration are the most widespread and the most popular pharmaceutical and nutraceutical dosage forms. Despite the rising topic of individualised/personalised medicine, including individualised dosing, drug release, and customer properties, national healthcare systems worldwide are highly dependent on the mass-market production of tablets and their usage following treatment protocols.
In the vast majority of cases, pharmaceutical substances cannot be converted into tablets via tableting with high-speed rotary tablet presses [1]. To achieve the desirable mechanical and biopharmaceutical properties, specific excipients are required. Appropriate mechanical properties, such as tablet hardness (or tensile strength) and abrasion resistance (friability) should ensure tablet applicability to transportation, coating, and packaging processes without losing their appearance, dose, and biopharmaceutical properties. Moreover, the intrinsic properties of tablet excipients and the structural-mechanical properties of the tablets formed eventually affect the disintegration and drug release behaviour of the dosage form, and so, can be deliberately selected to achieve the desired release profile [2].
Upon tableting, the compaction pressure and tableting speed (dwell time) induce elastic and plastic deformation, or fragmentation, and affect the extent of these deformations [3]. The tableting cycle can be described with a force–displacement profile: the distance between punches, which is plotted against the compaction pressure or force. This can be determined with state-of-the-art equipment, such as compaction simulators containing hi-tech sensors and sophisticated user-friendly software [4,5].
fig-1_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 1. An example of a force-displacement profile highlighting: the rearrangement energy (E1), plastic energy (E2 + E4), elastic energy (E3; or energy lost), plastic flow energy (E4), compaction energy (E1 + E2 + E3), and mean yield pressure (Py). The arrows on the curve are showing the direction of curve development.

Considering the true density of the material, an in-die Heckel plot can be built: ln(1/porosity) is plotted against the compaction pressure. The greater the slope of the linear region (K), the greater the degree of plasticity of the material [6]. The mean yield pressure (Py) of the solid is reciprocal to K [7] and describes the point after which the deformation is irreversible (pointed out in Figure 1). It should be stressed that the mean yield pressure from the in-die Heckel analysis can be used as a reliable plasticity parameter: the lower the Py, the greater the degree of plasticity of the material [8].
Possessing information about the Py of each ingredient in the blend allows predicting the sequence of the events of the material irreversible deformations upon tableting cycle. Consequently, the targeted composition of a tableting blend based on excipients’ Py can predetermine the deformation (the extent of deformation) of the specific ingredients in this blend upon tableting at a specific compaction pressure [9]. Considering the possibility of undesirable solid-state polymorphic transition of the drug [10,11], particle fragmentation, the loss of coated pellet integrity [12,13], and the decreased viability and vitality of microorganisms [14,15] as a function of compaction pressure, the above-mentioned circumstances are of particular interest.
Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is a partially depolymerised, naturally occurring polymer in the form of crystalline powder or spheroids composed of porous particles [16], and it is one of the most commonly used excipients in tablet formulations [17]. MCC is used for direct compression (up to 90 wt.%), dried granulation/roll-compaction, and wet granulation to achieve tablets with desirable mechanical and biopharmaceutical properties [3,10,16]. MCC is recognised as an excipient with relatively low Py that undergoes plastic deformation at relatively low compression forces [3].
The effect of water on the plasticization of the MCC as well as its effect on the compaction properties upon tableting has been previously reported [18,19,20]. To the best of our knowledge, the information regarding MCC plasticization with other solvents or excipients in order to influence the compaction properties upon tableting is lacking. Nevertheless, the practice of modulating cellulose derivatives plasticity for film forming [21,22], hot-melt extrusion, and/or fusion deposition modelling 3D-printing [23,24] is common practice. While solubility parameters were found to be a useful instrument for plasticizer pre-screening [24,25].
This study aims to increase the plasticity (to reduce the Py) of MCC by loading it with a specially selected (based on the solubility parameters) plasticizer. It was assumed that a lower Py of the MCC could enable tablets to be prepared at lower compaction pressure and decrease the undesirable effect of compaction pressure.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials

CELLETS® 500 MCC cores (lot# 21E1034; IPC Process-Center GmbH & Co KG, Grunaer Weg, Germany) were used as the starting cores. The rest of the chemicals used for the experiment, such as diethyl citrate (DEC), glycerol, and methanol were of Pharmacopeia grade and used as received.

2.2. Theoretical Solubility Parameter Computation

The drug–polymer miscibility was assessed theoretically via calculations of Hansen solubility parameters (HSPs) via the group contributions methodology. Thus, the energies of dispersion forces (Ed), polar forces (Ep), and hydrogen bonding (Eh) gave the dispersion (δd), polar (δp), and hydrogen bonding (δh) partial solubility parameters, respectively [26,27].
All calculations were performed using the Hansen Solubility Parameters in Practice (HSPiP) software (5th edition, version 5.1.03). In this study, we calculated HSPs for cellulose and DEC, while HSPs for water and glycerol were taken from the software database. It should be noted that the HSPiP database includes three sets of HSPs for water: one of them is derived from the energy of vaporisation of water at 25 °C and relates to a single molecule, whereas the other two relate to six-molecule associates which are more typical for water in a liquid state [28]. In this regard, the set of HSPs for water as associated units (based on a correlation of total miscibility with certain solvents) were used in this study.
HSPs for cellulose and DEC were calculated using the following HSPiP software DIY methods: the Yamamoto-molecular break (Y-MB), in which the components were input as simplified molecular input line entry syntax (SMILES) codes; the Van Krevelen method where the components were entered by accounting for chemical constituents and taking molar volumes from Y-MB calculations; and the Hoy method with similar input procedure as the latter one. Finally, the average HSP values within all three methods were determined.
The assessment of MCC–plasticizer miscibility was accomplished by comparing HSPs calculated according to three approaches that are based on the principle ‘like dissolves like’ [29].

The approach authored by Van Krevelen and Hoftyzer estimates a high likelihood of successful mixing of two substances if the parameter ΔδT (Equation (1)) is not more than 5 MPa0.5, while complete immiscibility occurs when ΔδT exceeds 10 MPa0.5 [30,31].

ΔδT = ((δd1 − δd2)2 + (δp1 − δp2)2 + (δh1 − δh2)2)0.5

By Bagley’s approach, the drug–polymer miscibility is evaluated using the combined solubility parameter δv (Equation (2)).

δv = (δd2 + δp2)0.5

The probability of miscibility is concluded if the distance between two points in the two-dimensional plot is D12 ≤ 5.0 (Equation (3)) [31].

D12 = ((δv1 − δv2)2 + (δh1 − δh2)2)0.5

The approach by Greenhalgh evaluates the miscibility as the absolute difference Δδt (Equation (4)) between the total solubility parameters δt which are calculated from Equation (5).

Δδt = |δt1 − δt2|
δt = (δd2 + δp2 + δh2)0.5
According to the latter approach, drug–polymer miscibility was assumed to be likely if Δδt ≤ 7, while Δδt ≥ 10 MPa0.5 indicated immiscibility [27].

2.3. Plasticizer Loading onto MCC Cores Using Solvent Evaporation Method

To obtain glycerol- and DEC-loaded MCC spheres, the initial MCC spheres were dried in a vacuum oven, and their water content after drying was confirmed by Karl-Fisher (V10S; Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Greifensee, Switzerland) titration at the level of 0.1 wt.%. Two batches of plasticizer-loaded MCC spheres were made, one with DEC, using methanol as a solvent, and another with glycerol, using water as a solvent (Table 1).

Table 1. Used amounts of plasticizer and solvent for the plasticizer loading procedure.

About 150 g of MCC was weighed in a 500 mL round-bottom flask. Afterwards, the amount of solvent was calculated using the MCC/solvent ratio obtained from the MCC solvent absorption test. The excess solvent amount (that which could be absorbed and adsorbed by the MCC sphere) was used. The appropriate amount of plasticizer to achieve 5% loading was dissolved in the solvent. The plasticizer solution was added to MCC in a round-bottom flask (total volume of about 250 mL) and shaken vigorously by hand. The solvent was removed by a rotary evaporator (RV3 eco, from IKA-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Staufen, Germany) at 50 °C under a pressure of 100 mbar. After that, each sample was additionally dried with dry air (50 m3/h) in a fluid-bed drier (Mini-Glatt; Glatt GmbH, Binzen, Germany) at 50 °C until constant outlet air temperature.

2.4. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)

The thermal behaviour of the samples was examined using Thermal Advantage Q50 TGA (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). The samples (5–10 mg) were heated in an open aluminium pan at a heating rate of 5 °C/min or 50 °C/min from room temperature to 350 °C. Nitrogen was used as a purge gas at a flow rate of 50 mL/min for all TGA experiments. The weight remaining (%) was plotted as a function of temperature (°C). The weight loss (dM) between starting/room temperature (RT) and 200 ℃ (RT-200 °C) and temperature onset of degradation (Td onset) were determined for each formulation. Data was processed with a Universal V4.5A software (TA Instruments, USA) [32].

2.5. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

To investigate the thermal properties of the sample before and after processing, a heat-flux DSC (DSC Q20; TA Instruments, USA) was conducted to characterise thermal behaviour. For measurement, the samples were weighed (5–8 mg) into aluminium DSC pans and heated from −10 °C to 390 °C at 50 °C/min with a continuous purge of nitrogen gas at 50 mL/min. Melting temperature onset (Tm onset), melting peak temperature (Tm peak), and melting enthalpy were determined for each formulation. The data were processed with Universal V4.5A software (TA Instruments, USA) [10].

2.6. Powder X-ray Diffraction (pXRD) Analysis

The study was conducted on a diffractometer (RigakuTM Miniflex 600 C; Rigaku Co., Tokyo, Japan) in θ/2θ geometry at ambient temperature using CuKα X-radiation (λ = 1.54182 Å) at 40 kV and 15 mA power. X-ray diffraction patterns were collected over the 2θ range of 3–60° at a 5°/min scan rate. The ground sample was applied to the low-background silicone sample holder.

2.7. Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) Spectroscopy

FTIR-ATR study of the samples was performed on a FTIR Spectrometer (Nicolete IS20, Thermo Scientific, Karlsruhe, Germany) using a diamond prism by scanning from 4000 to 400 cm−1, with 2.0 cm−1 resolution and 100 scans per spectrum (the background was taken before each sample). Every graphically represented FTIR-profile was obtained by averaging 3 spectra.

2.8. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Particle Size Distribution Analysis

SEM pictures were captured with a microscope (TM3030; Hitachi High-Tech Corp., Tokyo, Japan) in a vacuumed environment at 15 kV to obtain information about morphology on a microscopic level. The particle size distribution (D10%, D50%, and D90%) of the MCC spheres was determined using image analysis coupled with a VIBRI feeder and a RODOS disperser (series QICPIC/L02; Sympatec GmbH, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany).

2.9. Preparation of Tablets

The samples (Table 2) were tableted with 11.28 mm flat punches to obtain a target mass of 500 mg using the compaction simulator STYL’One Nano (Medelpharm, Beynost, France/Korsch, Berlin, Germany). Compression cycles of a small rotary press with a turret diameter of 180 mm, a precompression roll diameter of 44 mm, an angle between rollers of 65 degrees, a compression roll diameter of 160 mm, an angle between main compression and the beginning of the compression ramp of 60 degrees, an angle of the ejection ramp of 20 degrees at a tableting speed of 70 rpm (maximum for STYL’One Nano), a precompression and compression forces of 5 and 30 kN (equivalent of 50 and 300 MPa) were used [9].

Table 2. Formulations for tableting.

2.10. The Theoretical True Density Calculation

The theoretical true density of tablet composition was calculated based on the pycnometric density (ρt) of MCC (1.586 g/cm3) [16,33], glycerol (1.262 g/cm3) [34], DEC (1.287 g/cm3) [35], and their shares (xw/w) using the additive methodology and the following equation [1]:


2.11. In-Die Heckel Plot Construction

The relative density (ln(1/ε)) was calculated automatically with Alix software ver. 20220711 (Medelpharm, Beynost, France) [4]. The relative density and compaction pressure (P, MPa) data were plotted by the Heckel relationship [6]:


where: K is the slope of the linear region (the proportionality constant), and ln(1/ε0) is a constant, A, that represents the intercept/ degree of packing (at porosity ε0) achieved at low pressure because of the rearrangement process before an appreciable amount of interparticle bonding takes place. The mean yield pressure (Py, MPa) was calculated in accordance with Hersey and Rees by the equation [3,7,36]:

The mean yield pressure was measured (n = 10 for each formulation) in the pressure range between 70 and 210 MPa. A one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) test was used to compare the means of two groups using the built-in possibilities of the current version of Excel (Microsoft 365; Redmond, Washington, DC, USA; Supplementary Materials).

3. Results and Discussion

MCC is manufactured by hydrolysis with dilute mineral acid solutions of α-cellulose sourced from raw plant material. After hydrolysis, the hydrocellulose is filtered, and the aqueous slurry is spray-dried. Thus, the MCC as an excipient contains up to 7 wt.% of moisture in accordance with pharmacopoeia (JP, PhEur, and USP) [16]. Theoretical solubility parameters were used to obtain three values (ΔδTD12, and Δδt) to assess the possible miscibility of cellulose with water, glycerol, and DEC (Table 3, Figure 2).
fig-2_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 2. Evaluation of MCC–plasticizer miscibility using averaged solubility parameters: 3D approach authored by Hoftyzer and Van Krevelen (a), 2D Bagley’s plot (b), and 1D bar graph according to Greenhalgh (c).


Table 3. Hansen solubility parameter calculations.

According to values averaged from the Y-MB, VK, and Hoy methods, the possible miscibility of all three plasticizers (below the proposed threshold; Table 2) was predicted only by Greenhalgh’s approach (based on Δδt calculation) which showed the following miscibility likeliness order: water > glycerol > DEC. At the same time, the other two approaches authored by Van Krevelen and Bagley, respectively, indicated that possible miscibility fell into an ambiguous region between 5 and 10 MPa0.5 for all studied plasticizers; however, the same likeliness order (glycerol > water > DEC) was established for both of them.
Therefore, the batch of dried non-plasticized (Figure 3) and three batches of glycerol-, water-, and DEC-loaded MCC spheres were used. Plasticizer-loaded MCC spheres contained 5.0 wt.% of water, 4.2 wt.% of glycerol, and 5.2 wt.% of DEC (Table 4, Figure 4).
fig-3_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 3. SEM of MCC spheres (D10% = 563 µm, D50% = 651 µm, and D90% = 696 µm).

fig-4_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 4. FTIR spectrum of dried and loaded MCC spheres in the range of 4000–500 cm−1.


Table 4. The summary of thermal properties determined by TGA and DSC.

The dried and plasticizer-loaded MCC-spheres were investigated with FTIR spectroscopy (Figure 4). All obtained FTIR spectra showed the characteristic vibration peaks of cellulose [37,38,39,40,41,42]:
  • The broad peak at 3333 cm−1 which is assigned to O–H stretching vibrations of the intermolecularly bonded hydroxyl group;
  • The peak at 2891 cm−1 that corresponds to C–H stretching vibrations;
  • The peak at 1645 cm−1 which is indicative of the O–H bending of bound water;
  • The multiple absorbance bands (peaks at 1428, 1368, 1334, and 1316 cm−1) assigned to the bending and stretching vibrations of C–H and C–O bonds;
  • The peaks at 1202, 1052, and 1021 cm−1 are assigned to the elongation of C-O bonds;
  • The peaks at 1158 and 897 cm−1 are due to the C–O–C stretching vibrations at the β-glycosidic linkage.
No evident differences were observed in the spectrum of water-plasticized MCC spheres compared to the dried non-plasticized sample. This could be explained by the remaining bound water in all samples even after drying (as evidenced by the persistence of the peak at 1645 cm−1 in all obtained spectra [37,41,42]. Nonetheless, some changes were established for MCC spheres treated with DEC and glycerol. Both these plasticizers led to the manifestation of the peak at ~1104 cm−1, which could be related to the stretching vibrations of the C–O bond in the ester group of DEC and the secondary alcohol group of glycerol [43,44,45]. In addition, the spectrum of DEC-loaded MCC spheres demonstrated the most explicit deviation from that of the dried MCC spheres that manifested as a peak at 1731 cm−1 which was absent in the spectra of all other three samples. This peak could be assigned to the C=O stretching of the ester functional group [43]. Therefore, it can be suggested that treatment of MCC spheres with DEC and glycerol resulted in intermolecular hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups of cellulose (hydrogen donor) and mentioned functional groups of these plasticizers (hydrogen acceptors), and thus, at the molecular level, the plasticization could be caused by a weakening of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between adjacent cellulose chains [46]. It is interesting to note that it was the secondary alcohol hydroxy group of glycerol (at 1103 cm−1), and not the primary ones (at ~1030 cm−1) [45], that appeared in the spectrum of the glycerol-loaded MCC. As a rule, glycerol primary hydroxy groups are more reactive, and because of that, they are more likely to be involved in homo-intermolecular hydrogen bonding (i.e., glycerol–glycerol). With loading into MCC spheres, hetero-intermolecular hydrogen bonding occurred, i.e., cellulose–glycerol, which apparently was mostly contributed by the secondary alcohol hydroxy group of glycerol, while the homo-glycerol hydrogen bonding network could be preserved. Analogue findings were demonstrated in the study of the glycerol–choline eutectic mixture, which was found to have homo-molecular glycerol hydrogen bonding network similar to that in pure glycerol, whereas choline bonds were at the interstitial voids of the glycerol network [47].
pXRD is a complementary technique to DSC and was used in assessing the presence of crystalline content in formulations. Thus, the pXRD profiles of dried and plasticizer-loaded MCC spheres were investigated. The diffraction patterns of all samples confirmed the crystalline nature of each sample with the same characteristic peaks (Figure 5). The characteristic MCC peaks were also shown to be similar to that reported in the literature [48]. Unfortunately, the pXRD method was reported to have relatively low sensitivity and a limit of detectability (LoD) of 5% [49,50]. Thus, considering the plasticizer load (approx. 5%), the pXRD profiles obtained can be considered similar (with approximately the same level of crystallinity).
fig-5_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 5. pXRD diffractograms of dried and loaded MCC spheres.

At a 5 °C/min heating rate, the onset of degradation temperature (Td onset) increased from water to DEC and glycerol (from 297.4 to 303.2 and 309.2 °C, respectively; Table 4, Figure 3). Melting of the MCC (DSC-curves) was observed upon its degradation (TGA-curve; Table 4, Figure 4). The increase in heating rate up to 50 °C/min made it possible to increase the Td onset for water-loaded MCC up to 345.7 °C and compare the melting onset temperatures (Tm onset) for MCC loaded with plasticizers. The part of the DSC curve that described melting demonstrated a two-step shape and was characterized by two Tm onsets. The increase in Tm onset 1 and Tm onset 2 was in the same sequence and increased from water to DEC and glycerol: 291.9, 305.7, 315.8 °C for Tm onset 1 and 325.6, 332.4, 335.6 °C for Tm onset 2, respectively (Table 4, Figure 6).
fig-6_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 6. Weight loss as a function of temperature for loaded MCC spheres (TGA at 5 °C/min).

In this study, the Tm onset 1 and 2 (for water- and DEC-loaded samples) was associated with the thermal degradation of MCC [51]. That can be observed by comparing the first derivative of weight loss and respective Tm onset on the DSC profile of water-loaded MCC spheres (Figure 7). The increase in apparent melting peak temperature (Tm) and apparent melting enthalpy can be explained with the increase in Td from water to DEC and glycerol. Therefore, the thermal analysis did not provide us with insights regarding the plasticization of MCC with selected plasticizers.
fig-7_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 7. Heat flow as function of temperature for loaded MCC spheres (DSC at 50 °C/min; left Y-axis); the first derivative of weight loss as a function of temperature for water-loaded MCC spheres (TGA at 50 °C/min; right Y-axis).

Tableting of plasticizer-loaded MCC spheres with a compaction simulator was illustrated with pressure-displacement profiles (Figure 8a; exemplified with glycerol-loaded MCC spheres), which were converted to in-die Heckel plots (Figure 8b).

fig-8_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 8. In-die Heckel plot (a) and pressure-displacement profile (b) for MCC spheres (CELLETS® 500) loaded with glycerol.

The mean yield pressure (Py) of non-plasticized MCC was found at the level of 136.5 ± 6.9 MPa (Av. ± S.D.). Despite the sequence of Tm onsets, the mean yield pressure of plasticizer-loaded MCC spheres decreased from DEC (124.7 ± 9.2 MPa) to water (106.6 ± 10.0 MPa) and glycerol (99.9 ± 1.9 MPa; Figure 9, Table 5). That coincided with the miscibility likelihood order based on the HSP calculations. Therefore DEC, water, and glycerol were able to decrease the Py of non-plasticized MCC spheres by 4.7, 16.3, and 38.9%, respectively.

fig-9_Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Figure 9. Comparison of non-plasticized (dried) with plasticized MCC spheres (Cellets® 500) in terms of Py (a plasticity parameter).


Table 5. Py data statistics.

Interestingly, despite FTIR revealing more hydrogen binding sites in the case of treatment with DEC (i.e., both C–O and C=O bonds of the ester functional group), glycerol with only one binding site (C–O bond of the alcohol group) was superior in its plasticizing ability, implying that MCC–glycerol hydrogen bonding was more efficient. This could be explained from the viewpoint of molecular weights of glycerol and DEC (92.09 and 248.23 g/mol, respectively). Considering an equal mass loading of both plasticizers (7.88 g), the loading of glycerol was 2.5 times higher in terms of molarity; therefore, more molecules of plasticizer were involved and, accordingly, more hydrogen bonds with cellulose could be formed in the case of glycerol. This follows the general logic that the smaller the molecule weight, the greater the plasticization effect of the plasticizer upon the polymer matrix [52]; however, the strength of intermolecular interactions should also be considered.
Water, as an MCC plasticizer, showed a relatively high ability to decrease Py (increase plasticity). The results obtained highlight the importance of water content in the raw MCC material. Changing the MCC plasticity by 16.3% (at 5 wt.%) significantly changed the mechanical properties. Thus, the fluctuation of moisture content in the MCC (even in the eligible pharmacopeial range) can be the reason for the variability of mechanical properties in complex tablet formulations [53]. Considering moisture as one of the most important factors in pharmaceutical tablets’ shelf-life, narrow specification of moisture content in MCC during the product development stage can be recommended.

4. Conclusions

This study showed the possibility of increasing the plasticity of MCC by loading it with a deliberately chosen plasticizer. The computational approaches based on solubility parameters were found to be useful in predicting the plasticizing efficacy. Based on FTIR findings, it is suggested that plasticization resulted from intermolecular hydrogen bonding between the plasticizers and cellulose molecules that caused the weakening of hydrogen bonds between adjacent cellulose chains. At the plasticizer load used (approx. 5 wt.%), neither pXRD nor DSC gave any insights on the plasticization of MCC with selected plasticizers. Because of the relatively high plasticization ability of water towards cellulose and thus potential changes in MCC mechanical properties, narrow specification of moisture content in MCC during the product development stage can be recommended.

Additonal information on: Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/pharmaceutics16070945/s1, Table S1. Raw values of Py; Statistical analysis: One-Way ANOVA (α = 0.05).

Author Contributions

Methodology, formal analysis, investigation, data curation: V.M. and A.P.; visualization, writing—original draft preparation, writing—review and editing: A.P., T.K. and V.M.; conceptualization and supervision: V.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.


We would like to acknowledge the following people and their organisations for support of this project with pharmaceutical excipients. Business development manager Bastian Arlt (Glatt Pharmaceutical Services GmbH & Co. KG, Binzen, Germany) and head of business unit pharma Mandy Rehländer (HARKE Pharma GmbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany) for providing the CELLETS® 500-grade MCC spheres. We want to thank our colleagues Kirils Kukuls and Zoltán Márk Horváth for the data obtained with the compaction simulator and the improvement of the written English of this work, respectively. The author Tetiana Kolisnyk expresses a deep gratitude to the British Academy and Council for At-Risk Academics (UK) for the general and financial support in the frame of the Researchers-At-Risk program.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


The article “The Increase in the Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres’ When Loaded with a Plasticizer” is published under Creative Common CC BY license. Any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. Reuse of an article does not imply endorsement by the authors or MDPI.


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Cellets list of publication

Selected Scientific literature

Please, find scientific literature on CELLETS®, MCC spheres. This list is constantly updated and does not claim to be complete. If you are author, scientist or R&D specialist, please submit your present publication to us for improving the visibility.

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2024

Characterization of dense granular flows using a continuous chute flow rheometer
Purdue University, School of Materials Engineering, West Lafayette, Indiana, posted on 2024-07-20, 03:12
Kayli Lynn Henry

Research article
The Increase in the Plasticity of Microcrystalline Cellulose Spheres’ When Loaded with a Plasticizer
Pharmaceutics (2024), 16(7), 945; doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics16070945
A. Paulausks, T. Kolisnyk, V. Mohylyuk

Research article
The development of an innovative method to improve the dissolution performance of rivaroxaban
Heliyon 10 (2024) e33162; doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33162
E.A. Ozon, E. Mati, O. Karampelas, V. Anuta, I. Sarbu, A.M. Musuc, R.-A. Mitran, D.C. Culita, I. Atkinson, M. Anastasescu, D. Lupuliasa, M.A. Mitu

Modelling the disintegration of pharmaceutical tablets: integrating a single particle swelling model with the discrete element method
University of Strathclyde, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, CMAC National Facility, 2024, Thesis identifier T16863
M. Soundaranathan

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2023

Research article
Paediatric solid oral dosage forms for combination products: Improving in vitro swallowability of minitablets using binary mixtures with pellets
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2023), 187, 106471; doi:10.1016/j.ejps.2023.106471
A. Avila-Sierra, A. Lavoisier, C. Timpe, P. Kuehl, L. Wagner, C. Tournier, M. Ramaioli

Research article
Continuous Manufacturing of Cocrystals Using 3D-Printed Microfluidic Chips Coupled with Spray Coating
Pharmaceuticals (2023), 16(8), 1064; doi:10.3390/ph16081064
A. Kara, D. Kumar 2, A.M. Healy, A. Lalatsa, and D.R. Serrano

Research article
High-Speed Tableting of High Drug-Loaded Tablets Prepared from Fluid-Bed Granulated Isoniazid
Pharmaceuticals (2023), 15(4), 1236; doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics15041236
V. Mohylyuk, and D. Bandere

Research article
The Effect of Design and Size of the Fluid‑Bed Equipment on the Particle Size‑Dependent Trend of Particle Coating Thickness and Drug Prolonged‑Release Profile
AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24, 93. doi:10.1208/s12249-023-02540-9
T. Brezovar, G. Hudovornik, M. Perpar, M. Luštrik, R. Dreu

Research article
Amorphous Solid Dispersions Layered onto Pellets—An Alternative to Spray Drying?
Pharmaceutics (2023) 15(3), 764. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics15030764
M. Neuwirth, S.K. Kappes, M.U. Hartig, K.G. Wagner

Research article
Optimization of Fluidized-Bed Process Parameters for Coating Uniformity and Nutrient-Release Characteristics of Controlled-Release Urea Produced by Modified Lignocellulosic Coating Material
Agronomy (2023) 13(3), 725. doi:10.3390/agronomy13030725
A.M. Ali, B. Azeem, A.M. Alghamdi, K. Shahzad, A. Ahmad Al-Zahrani, M. Imtiaz Rashid, A. Binti Mahpudz, A. Jamil

Research article
Hydrodynamic behaviour of CELLETS® (Ph.Eur./USP) in a spouted bed using image processing method
Particuology (2023), 76, 101-112, doi:10.1016/j.partic.2022.07.009
J. Vanamu, A. Sahoo

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2022

Research article
Product-Property Guided Scale-Up of a Fluidized Bed Spray Granulation Process Using the CFD-DEM Method
Processes (2022) 10(7), 1291. doi:10.3390/pr10071291
P. Kieckhefen, S. Pietsch-Braune, S. Heinrich

Research article
Influence of In Situ Calcium Pectinate Coating on Metoprolol Tartrate Pellets for Controlled Release and Colon-Specific Drug Delivery
Pharmaceutics (2022) 14(5), 1061. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics14051061
P. Wanasawas, A. Mitrevej, N. Sinchaipanid

Research article
Delamination and wetting behavior of natural hot-melt coating materials
Powder Technology (2022) 404, 117443. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117443
B.M. Woerthmann, L. Totzauer, H. Briesen

Research article
A systematic approach for assessing the suitability of enteral feeding tubes for the administration of controlled-release pellet formulations
International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2022) 612, 121286. doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.121286
F. Karkossa, N. Lehmann, S. Klein

Research article
Spray-freeze-dried lyospheres: Solid content and the impact on flowability and mechanical stability
Powder Technology (2022) 411, 117905. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117905
A. Rautenberg, A. Lamprecht

Conference proceedings
Assessment of the effect of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) spheres size on the flow via powder rheology
The FORGE, 2022 – pure.qub.ac.uk
V. Mohylyuk, R. Dattani

Research article
Solventless amorphization and pelletization using a high shear granulator. Part II; Preparation of co-amorphous mixture-layered pellets using indomethacin and arginine
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2022) 181, 183-194. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2022.11.011
K. Kondo, T. Rades

Research article
Solventless amorphization and pelletization using a high shear granulator. Part I; feasibility study using indomethacin
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2022) 181, 147-158. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2022.11.010
K. Kondo, T. Rades

Research article
Application of different models to evaluate the key factors of fluidized bed layering granulation and their influence on granule characteristics
Powder Technology (2022), 408:117737. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117737
R. Maharjan, S. H. Jeong

Research article
Evaluation of gravitational consolidation of binary powder mixtures by modified Heckel equation
Powder Technology (2022), 408:117729. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117729
P. Svačinová, O. Macho, Ž. Jarolímová, M. Kuentz, Ľ. Gabrišová and Z. Šklubalová

Research article
Integrated Purification and Formulation of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient via Agitated Bed Crystallization and Fluidized Bed Processing
Pharmaceutics (2022), 14(5)1058. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14051058
M. W. Stocker, M. J. Harding, V. Todaro, A. M. Healy and S. Ferguson

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2021

Research article
Correlating Granule Surface Structure Morphology and Process Conditions in Fluidized Bed Layering Spray Granulation
KONA Powder and Particle Journal (2021), DOI:10.14356/kona.2022016
M. Orth, P. Kieckhefen, S. Pietsch and S. Heinrich

Research article
Relative bioavailability enhancement of simvastatin via dry emulsion systems: comparison of spray drying and fluid bed layering technology
Eur J Pharm Biopharm (2021), S0939-6411(21)00353-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2021.12.004
M. Pohlen, J. Aguiar Zdovc, J. Trontelj, J. Mravljak, M. G. Matjaž, I. Grabnar, T. Snoj and R. Dreu

Research article
A novel method for assessing the coating uniformity of hot-melt coated particles using micro-computed tomography
Powder Technology, Volume 378, Part A, 22 January 2021, Pages 51-59
B.M. Woerthmann, J.A. Lindner, T. Kovacevic, P. Pergam, F. Schmid, H. Briesen

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2020

Research article
Material specific drying kinetics in fluidized bed drying under mechanical vibration using the reaction engineering approach
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 31, Issue 12, December 2020, Pages 4699-4713
Soeren E. Lehmann, Tobias Oesau, Alfred Jongsma, Fredrik Innings, Stefan Heinrich

Research article
Simulation of pellet coating in Wurster coaters
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 590, 30 November 2020, 119931
Hamid Reza Norouzi

Research article
Quantification of swelling characteristics of pharmaceutical particles
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 590, 30 November 2020, 119903
Mithushan Soundaranathan, Pattavet Vivattanaseth, Erin Walsh, Kendal Pitt, Blair Johnston, Daniel Markl

Short communication
Introduction of the energy to break an avalanche as a promising parameter for powder flowability prediction
Powder Technology, Volume 375, 20 September 2020, Pages 33-41
Žofie Trpělková, Hana Hurychová, Martin Kuentz, Barbora Vraníková, Zdenka Šklubalová

Research article
Easy to Swallow “Instant” Jelly Formulations for Sustained Release Gliclazide Delivery
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 109, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 2474-2484
Simmi Patel, Nathan Scott, Kavil Patel, Valentyn Mohylyuk, William J. McAuley, Fang Liu

Research article
Regulating the pH of bicarbonate solutions without purging gases: Application to dissolution testing of enteric coated tablets, pellets and microparticles
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 585, 30 July 2020, 119562
Nathan Scott, Kavil Patel, Tariro Sithole, Konstantina Xenofontos, Valentyn Mohylyuk, Fang Liu

Research article
Measuring segregation characteristics of industrially relevant granular mixtures: Part II – Experimental application and validation
Powder Technology, Volume 368, 15 May 2020, Pages 278-285
Alexander M. Fry, Vidya Vidyapati, John P. Hecht, Paul B. Umbanhowar, Julio M. Ottinoa, Richard M. Lueptow

Research article
Non-uniform drug distribution matrix system (NUDDMat) for zero-order release of drugs with different solubility
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 581, 15 May 2020, 119217
Matteo Cerea, Anastasia Foppoli, Luca Palugan, Alic Melocchi, Lucia Zema, Alessandra Maroni, Andrea Gazzaniga

Research article
Effects of humidity on cellulose pellets loaded with potassium titanium oxide oxalate for detection of hydrogen peroxide vapor in powders
Powder Technology, Volume 366, 15 April 2020, Pages 348-357
Maria H. Kastvig, Cosima Hirschberg, Frans W.J. Van Den Berg, Jukka Rantanen, Mogens L. Andersen

Research article
In-line particle size measurement and process influences on rotary fluidized bed agglomeration
Powder Technology, Volume 364, 15 March 2020, Pages 673-679
Marcel Langner, Ivonne Kitzmann, Anna-Lena Ruppert, Inken Wittich, Bertram Wolf

Research article
Recent advance in delivery system and tissue engineering applications of chondroitin sulfate
Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 230, 15 February 2020, 115650
Jun Yang, Mingyue Shen, Huiliang Wen, Yu Luo, Rong Huang, Liyuan Rong, Jianhua Xie

Research article
Fixed-bed-column studies for Methylene blue removal by Cellulose CELLETS
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 19 (2), March 2020, 269-279
Iulia Nica, Gabriela Biliuta, Carmen Zaharia, Lacramioara Rusu, Sergiu Coseri, Daniela Suteu

Research article
Optimization and tracking of coating processes of pellets with polyvinylpyrrolidone solutions in an acoustic levitator
Powder Technology, Volume 360, 15 January 2020, Pages 1126-1133
Doris L. Wong, Anna-Lena Wirsching, Kai Betz, Andreas Reinbeck, Hans-Ulrich Moritz, Werner Pauer

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2019

Research article
Measurement of hydrogen peroxide vapor in powders with potassium titanium oxide oxalate loaded cellulose pellets as probes
AAPS PharmSciTech, Volume 21(1):3, 11 Nov 2019
Maria H. Kastvig, Johan P. Bøtker, Ge Ge, Mogens L. Andersen

Research article
Wurster Fluidised Bed Coating of Microparticles: Towards Scalable Production of Oral Sustained-Release Liquid Medicines for Patients with Swallowing Difficulties
AAPS PharmSciTech, Volume 21(1):3, 11 Nov 2019
Valentyn Mohylyuk, Kavil Patel, Nathan Scott, Craig Richardson, Darragh Murnane, Fang Liu

Research article
Assessment of the effect of Cellets’ particle size on the flow in a Wurster fluid-bed coater via powder rheology
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 54, December 2019, 101320
Valentyn Mohylyuk, Ioanna Danai Styliari, Dmytryi Novykov, Reiss Pikett, Rajeev Dattani

Research article
Particle electrification in an apparatus with a draft tube operating in a fast circulating dilute spout-fluid bed regime
Particuology, Volume 42, February 2019, Pages 146-153
Wojciech Ludwig

Research article
Development and evaluation of budesonide-based modified-release liquid oral dosage forms
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 54, December 2019, 101273
Federica Ronchi, Antonio Sereno, Maxime Paide, Ismaël Hennia, Pierre Sacré, George Guillaume, Vincent Stéphenne, Jonathan Goole, Karim Amighi

Research article
Evaluation of in-line particle measurement with an SFT-probe as monitoring tool for process automation using a new time-based buffer approach
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 128, 1 February 2019, Pages 162-170
Theresa Reimers, Jochen Thies, Stefan Dietrich, Julian Quodbach, Miriam Pein-Hackelbusch

Research article
In vitro and sensory tests to design easy-to-swallow multi-particulate formulations
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 132, 30 April 2019, Pages 157-162
Marco Marconati, Felipe Lopez, Catherine Tuleu, Mine Orlu, Marco Ramaioli

Research article
Numerical study of the hydrodynamics of fluidized beds operated under sub-atmospheric pressure
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 372, 15 September 2019, Pages 1134-1153
Sayali Zarekar, Andreas Bück, Michael Jacob, Evangelos Tsotsas

Research article
Solidification of carvedilol loaded SMEDDS by swirling fluidized bed pellet coating
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 566, 20 July 2019, Pages 89-100
J. Mandić, M. Luštrik, F. Vrečer, M. Gašperlin, A. Zvonar Pobirk

Research article
Quantitative bin flow analysis of particle discharge using X-ray radiography
Powder Technology, Volume 344, 15 February 2019, Pages 693-705
Sanket Bacchuwar, Vidya Vidyapati, Ke-ming Quan, Chen-Luh Lin, Jan D. Miller

Research article
Adjustment of triple shellac coating for precise release of bioactive substances with different physico-chemical properties in the ileocolonic region
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 564, 10 June 2019, Pages 472-484>
Eva-Maria Theismann, Julia Katharina Keppler, Jörg-Rainer Knipp, Daniela Fangmann, Esther Appel, Stanislav N. Gorb, Georg H. Waetzig, Stefan Schreiber, Matthias Laudes, Karin Schwarz

Research article
The analysis of the influence of the normal restitution coefficient model on calculated particles velocities by means of Eulerian-Lagrangian approach
Powder Technology, Volume 344, 15 February 2019, Pages 140-151
Wojciech Ludwig, PaweƚPłuszka

Research article
Measurement of granule layer thickness in a spouted bed coating process via optical coherence tomography
Powder Technology, Volume 356, November 2019, Pages 139-147
Swantje Pietsch, Anna Peter, Patrick Wahl, Johannes Khinast, Stefan Heinrich

Research article
A novel method of quantifying the coating progress in a three-dimensional prismatic spouted bed
Particuology, Volume 42, February 2019, Pages 137-145
Swantje Pietsch, Finn Ole Poppinga, Stefan Heinrich, Michael Müller, Michael Schönherr, Frank Kleine Jäger

Research article
Development and evaluation of an omeprazole-based delayed-release liquid oral dosage form
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 567, 15 August 2019, 118416
Federica Ronchi, Antonio, Sereno, Maxime Paide, Pierre Sacré, George Guillaume, Vincent Stéphenne, Jonathan Goole, Karim Amighi

Research article
Influence of separation properties and processing strategies on product characteristics in continuous fluidized bed spray granulation
Powder Technology, Volume 342, 15 January 2019, Pages 572-584
Daniel Müller, Andreas Bück, Evangelos Tsotsas

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2018

Short communication
Novel production method of tracer particles for residence time measurements in gas-solid processes
Powder Technology, Volume 338, October 2018, Pages 1-6
Swantje Pietsch, Paul Kieckhefen, Michael Müller, Michael Schönherr, Frank Kleine Jäger, Stefan Heinrich

Research article
The effect of administration media on palatability and ease of swallowing of multiparticulate formulations
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 551, Issues 1–2, 15 November 2018, Pages 67-75
Felipe L. Lopez, Terry B. Ernest, Mine Orlu, CatherineTuleu

Research article
Compressibility and tablet forming ability of bimodal granule mixtures: Experiments and DEM simulations
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 540, Issues 1–2, 5 April 2018, Pages 120-131
Josefina Nordström, Göran Alderborn, Göran Frenning

Research article
Effects of pharmaceutical processes on the quality of ethylcellulose coated pellets: Quality by design approach
Powder Technology, Volume 339, November 2018, Pages 25-38
Prakash Thapa, Ritu Thapa, Du Hyung Choi, Seong Hoon Jeong

Research article
Euler-Lagrange model of particles circulation in a spout-fluid bed apparatus for dry coating
Powder Technology, Volume 328, 1 April 2018, Pages 375-388
Wojciech Ludwig, Paweł Płuszka

Research article
Inline acoustic monitoring to determine fluidized bed performance during pharmaceutical coating
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 549, Issues 1–2, 5 October 2018, Pages 293-298
Allan Carter, Lauren Briens

Research article
Sifting segregation of ideal blends in a two-hopper tester: Segregation profiles and segregation magnitudes
Powder Technology, Volume 331, 15 May 2018, Pages 60-67
Mariagrazia Marucci, Banien Al-Saaigh, Catherine Boissier, Marie Wahlgren, Håkan Wikström

Conference abstract
Multiple unit mini-tablets: Content uniformity issues
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 536, Issue 2, 5 February 2018, Pages 506-507
Anna Kira Adam, Jörg Breitkreutz

Research article
Influence of gas inflow modelling on CFD-DEM simulations of three-dimensional prismatic spouted beds
Powder Technology, Volume 329, 15 April 2018, Pages 167-180
Paul Kieckhefen, Swantje Pietsch, Moritz Höfert, Michael Schönherr, Stefan Heinrich, Frank Kleine Jäger

Research article
A redispersible dry emulsion system with simvastatin prepared via fluid bed layering as a means of dissolution enhancement of a lipophilic drug
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 549, Issues 1–2, 5 October 2018, Pages 325-334
Mitja Pohlen, Luka Pirker, Matevž Luštrik, Rok Dreu

Review article
Overview of PAT process analysers applicable in monitoring of film coating unit operations for manufacturing of solid oral dosage forms
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 111, 1 January 2018, Pages 278-292
Klemen Korasa, Franc Vrečer

Research article
On the properties and application of beeswax, carnauba wax and palm fat mixtures for hot melt coating in fluidized beds
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 29, Issue 3, March 2018, Pages 781-788
M.G. Müller, J.A. Lindner, H. Briesen, K. Sommer, P. Foerst

Research article
Novel hydrophilic matrix system with non-uniform drug distribution for zero-order release kinetics
Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 287, 10 October 2018, Pages 247-256
Matteo Cerea, Alessandra Maroni, Luca Palugan, Marco Bellini, Anastasia Foppoli, Alice Melocchi, Lucia Zema, Andrea Gazzaniga

Research article
Role of plasticizer in membrane coated extended release oral drug delivery system
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 44, April 2018, Pages 231-243
Pinak Khatri, Dipen Desai, Namdev Shelke, Tamara Minko

Research article
Evaluation of pellet cycle times in a Wurster chamber using a photoluminescence method
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 132, April 2018, Pages 1170-1179
Domen Kitak, Rok Šibanc, Rok Dreu

Research article
Influence of perforated draft tube air intake on a pellet coating process
Powder Technology, Volume 330, 1 May 2018, Pages 114-124
Matevž Luštrik, Rok Dreu, Matjaž Perpar

Research article
Optimising the in vitro and in vivo performance of oral cocrystal formulations via spray coating
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 124, March 2018, Pages 13-27
Dolores R. Serrano, David Walsh, Peter O’Connell, Naila A. Mugheirbi, Zelalem Ayenew Worku, Francisco Bolas-Fernandez, Carolina Galiana, Maria Auxiliadora Dea-Ayuela, Anne Marie Healy

Research article

Research article
Mechanics of Pharmaceutical Pellets—Constitutive Properties, Deformation, and Breakage Behavior
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 107, Issue 2, February 2018, Pages 571-586
Alexander Russell, Rok Šibanc, Rok Dreu, Peter Müller

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2017

Research article
Production of composite particles using an innovative continuous dry coating process derived from extrusion
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 28, Issue 11, November 2017, Pages 2875-2885
Fanny Cavaillès, Romain Sescousse, Alain Chamayou, Laurence Galet

Research article
Determination of the release mechanism of Theophylline from pellets coated with Surelease®—A water dispersion of ethyl cellulose
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 528, Issues 1–2, 7 August 2017, Pages 345-353
Jurgita Kazlauske, Maria Margherita Cafaro, Diego Caccavo, Mariagrazia Marucci, Gaetano Lamberti, Anna Angela Barba, Anette Larsson

Research article
In-line monitoring of multi-layered film-coating on pellets using Raman spectroscopy by MCR and PLS analyses
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 114, May 2017, Pages 194-201
Jin Hisazumi, Peter Kleinebudde

Research article
Analysis of pellet coating uniformity using a computer scanner
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 533, Issue 2, 30 November 2017, Pages 377-382
Rok Šibanc, Matevž Luštrik, Rok Dreu

Research article
Modeling of particle velocities in an apparatus with a draft tube operating in a fast circulating dilute spout-fluid bed regime
Powder Technology, Volume 319, September 2017, Pages 332-345
Wojciech Ludwig, Daniel Zając

Research article
UV imaging of multiple unit pellet system (MUPS) tablets: A case study of acetylsalicylic acid stability
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 119, October 2017, Pages 447-453
Anna Novikova, Jens M. Carstensen, Thomas Rades, Claudia S. Leopold

Research article
New hybrid CPU-GPU solver for CFD-DEM simulation of fluidized beds
Powder Technology, Volume 316, 1 July 2017, Pages 233-244
H.R. Norouzi, R. Zarghami, N. Mostoufi

Research article
A top coating strategy with highly bonding polymers to enable direct tableting of multiple unit pellet system (MUPS)
Powder Technology, Volume 305, January 2017, Pages 591-596
Frederick Osei-Yeboah, Yidan Lan, Changquan Calvin Sun

Research article
Synthesis and melt processing of cellulose esters for preparation of thermoforming materials and extended drug release tablets
Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 177, 1 December 2017, Pages 105-115
Sanna Virtanen, Riku Talja, Sauli Vuoti

Research article
Downstream drug product processing of itraconazole nanosuspension: Factors influencing drug particle size and dissolution from nanosuspension-layered beads
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 524, Issues 1–2, 30 May 2017, Pages 443-453
Johannes Parmentier, En Hui Tan, Ariana Low, Jan Peter Möschwitzer

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2016

Research article
In-line particle size measurement and agglomeration detection of pellet fluidized bed coating by Spatial Filter Velocimetry
Powder Technology, Volume 301, November 2016, Pages 261-267
Dimitri Wiegel, Günter Eckardt, Florian Priese, Bertram Wolf

Research article
Effect of formulation variables on oral grittiness and preferences of multiparticulate formulations in adult volunteers
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 92, 20 September 2016, Pages 156-162
Felipe L. Lopez, Alexandra Bowles, Mine Orlu Gul, David Clapham, Terry B. Ernest, Catherine Tuleu

Research article
Micropellet-loaded rods with dose-independent sustained release properties for individual dosing via the Solid Dosage Pen
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 499, Issues 1–2, 29 February 2016, Pages 271-279
Eva Julia Laukamp, Klaus Knop, Markus Thommes, Joerg Breitkreutz

Research article
Multivariate calibration of the degree of crystallinity in intact pellets by X-ray powder diffraction
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 502, Issues 1–2, 11 April 2016, Pages 107-116
Krisztina Nikowitz, Attila Domján, Klára Pintye-Hódi, Géza Regdon jr.

Research article
Towards improving quality of video-based vehicle counting method for traffic flow estimation
Signal Processing, Volume 120, March 2016, Pages 672-681
Yingjie Xia, Xingmin Shi, Guanghua Song, Qiaolei Geng, Yuncai Liu

Conference abstract
Multiple-unit orodispersible mini-tablets
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 511, Issue 2, 25 September 2016, Page 1128
Anna Kira Adam, Christian Zimmer, Stefan Rauscher, Jörg Breitkreutz

Research article
Asymmetric distribution in twin screw granulation
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 106, September 2016, Pages 50-58
Tim Chan Seem, Neil A. Rowson, Ian Gabbott, Marcelde Matas, Gavin K. Reynolds, AndyIngram

Research article
Measurement of particle concentration in a Wurster coater draft tube using light attenuation
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 110, June 2016, Pages 20-31
R. Šibanc, I. Žun, R. Dreu

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2015

Research article
Two-dimensional particle shape analysis from chord measurements to increase accuracy of particle shape determination
Powder Technology, Volume 284, November 2015, Pages 25-31
D. Petrak, S. Dietrich, G. Eckardt, M. Köhler

Research article
Passive acoustic emission monitoring of pellet coat thickness in a fluidized bed
Powder Technology, Volume 286, December 2015, Pages 172-180
Taylor Sheahan, Lauren Briens

Research article
Tabletability Modulation Through Surface Engineering
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 104, Issue 8, August 2015, Pages 2645-2648
Frederick Osei-Yeboah, Changquan Calvin Sun

Research article
Cellulose CELLETS as new type of adsorbent for the removal of dyes from aqueous media
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 14, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 525-532
Daniela Suteu, Gabriela Biliuta, Lacramioara Rusu, Sergiu Coseri, Gabriela Nacu

Research article
Formulation and process optimization of multiparticulate pulsatile system delivered by osmotic pressure-activated rupturable membrane
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 480, Issues 1–2, 1 March 2015, Pages 15-26
Sheng-Feng Hung, Chien-Ming Hsieh, Ying-Chen Chen, Cheng-Mao Lin, Hsiu-O Ho, Ming-Thau Sheu

Research article
Dry Coating Characterization of Coverage by Image Analysis: Methodology
Procedia Engineering, Volume 102, 2015, Pages 81-88
Olivier Lecoq, Fredj Kaouach, Alain Chamayou

Research article
Passive acoustic emissions monitoring of the coating of pellets in a fluidized bed—A feasibility analysis
Powder Technology, Volume 283, October 2015, Pages 373-379
Taylor Sheahan, Lauren Briens

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2014

Research article
A New Apparatus for Real‐Time Assessment of the Particle Size Distribution of Disintegrating Tablets
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 103, Issue 11, November 2014, Pages 3657-3665
Julian Quodbach, Peter Kleinebudde

Research article
In-line spatial filtering velocimetry for particle size and film thickness determination in fluidized-bed pellet coating processes
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 88, Issue 3, November 2014, Pages 931-938
Friederike Folttmann, Klaus Knop, Peter Kleinebudde, Miriam Pein

Research article
On-line monitoring of fluid bed granulation by photometric imaging
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 88, Issue 3, November 2014, Pages 879-885
Ira Soppela, Osmo Antikainen, Niklas Sandler, Jouko Yliruusi

Research article
Application properties of oral gels as media for administration of minitablets and pellets to paediatric patients
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Volume 460, Issues 1–2, 2 January 2014, Pages 228-233

Anna Kluk, Malgorzata Sznitowska

Research article
In-line monitoring of pellet coating thickness growth by means of visual imaging
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 470, Issues 1–2, 15 August 2014, Pages 8-14
Nika Oman Kadunc, Rok Šibanc, Rok Dreu, Boštjan Likar, Dejan Tomaževič

Research article
Optical microscopy as a comparative analytical technique for single-particle dissolution studies
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 469, Issue 1, 20 July 2014, Pages 10-16
Sami Svanbäck, Henrik Ehlers, Jouko Yliruusi

Research article
Formulation of itraconazole nanococrystals and evaluation of their bioavailability in dogs
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 87, Issue 1, May 2014, Pages 107-113
Lieselotte De Smet, Lien Saerens, Thomas De Beer, Robert Carleer, Peter Adriaensens, Jan Van Bocxlaer, Chris Vervaet, Jean PaulRemon

Research article
Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances
Measurement, Volume 55, September 2014, Pages 520-535
Johan Nohlert, Livia Cerullo, Johan Winges, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey, Anders Holmgren, Lubomir Gradinarsky, Staffan Folestad, Mats Viberg, Anders Rasmuson

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2013

Research article
Water-mediated solid-state transformation of a polymorphic drug during aqueous-based drug-layer coating of pellets
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 456, Issue 1, 1 November 2013, Pages 41-48
Andres Lust, Satu Lakio, Julia Vintsevits, Jekaterina Kozlova, Peep Veski, Jyrki Heinämäki, Karin Kogermann

Research article
Preparation and characterization of controlled-release doxazosin mesylate pellets using a simple drug layering-aquacoating technique
Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation (2013), 43:333–342. doi: 10.1007/s40005-013-0077-0
H. A. Hazzah, M. A. EL-Massik, O. Y. Abdallah & H. Abdelkader

Research article
Development of high drug loaded pellets by Design of Experiment and population balance model calculation
Powder Technology, Volume 241, June 2013, Pages 149-157
Florian Priese, Bertram Wolf

Research article
Particle sizing measurements in pharmaceutical applications: Comparison of in-process methods versus off-line methods
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 85, Issue 3, Part B, November 2013, Pages 1006-1018
Ana F.T. Silva, Anneleen Burggraeve, Quenten Denon, Paul Van der Meeren, Niklas Sandler, Tom Van Den Kerkhof, Mario Hellings, Chris Vervaet, Jean Paul Remon, João Almeida Lopes, Thomas De Beer

Research article
Physical properties of pharmaceutical pellets
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 86, 4 February 2013, Pages 50-60
Rok Šibanc, Teja Kitak, Biljana Govedarica, StankoSrčič Rok Dreu

Research article
Continuous pellet coating in a Wurster fluidized bed process
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 86, 4 February 2013, Pages 87-98
N. Hampel, A. Bück, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas

Research article
Study of the recrystallization in coated pellets – Effect of coating on API crystallinity
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 48, Issue 3, 14 February 2013, Pages 563-571
Krisztina Nikowitz, Klára Pintye-Hódi, Géza Regdon Jr.

Research article
The influence of rolling friction on the shear behaviour of non-cohesive pharmaceutical granules – An experimental and numerical investigation
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 49, Issue 2, 13 May 2013, Pages 241-250
Ann-Sofie Persson, Göran Frenning

Research article
Characteristics of pellet flow in a Wurster coater draft tube utilizing piezoelectric probe
Powder Technology, Volume 235, February 2013, Pages 640-651
Matevž Luštrik, Rok Šibanc, Stanko Srčič, Matjaž Perpar, Iztok Žun, Rok Dreu

Research article
Estimating coating quality parameters on the basis of pressure drop measurements in a Wurster draft tube
Powder Technology, Volume 246, September 2013, Pages 41-50
Matjaž Perpar, Matevž Luštrik, Rok Dreu, Stanko Srčič, Iztok Žun

Research article
Influence of Non-Water-Soluble Placebo Pellets of Different Sizes on the Characteristics of Orally Disintegrating Tablets Manufactured by Freeze-Drying
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 102, Issue 6, June 2013, Pages 1786-1799
Ulrike Stange, Christian Führling, Henning Gieseler

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2012

Research article
A density-based segmentation for 3D images, an application for X-ray micro-tomography
Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 725, 6 May 2012, Pages 14-21
Thanh N. Tran, Thanh T. Nguyen, Tofan A. Willemsz, Gijsvan Kessel, Henderik W. Frijlink, Kees van der Voort Maarschalk

Research article
Attrition and abrasion resistance of particles coated with pre-mixed polymer coating systems
Powder Technology, Volume 230, November 2012, Pages 1-13
G. Perfetti, F. Depypere, S. Zafari, P. van Hee, W.J. Wildeboer, G. M. H. Meesters

Research article
New spout-fluid bed apparatus for electrostatic coating of fine particles and encapsulation
Powder Technology, Volume 225, July 2012, Pages 52-57
Roman G. Szafran, Wojciech Ludwig, Andrzej Kmiec

Research article
Particle size and packing characterization by diffuse light transmission
Particuology Volume 10, Issue 5, October 2012, Pages 619-627
Henrik Ehlers, Jyrki Heinämäki, Jouko Yliruusi

Research article
Dry Powder Coating in a Modified Wurster Apparatus
Procedia Engineering, Volume 42, 2012, Pages 437-446
W. Ludwig, R.G. Szafran, A. Kmiec, J. Dziak

Research article
Attrition strength of water-soluble cellulose derivative coatings applied on different core materials
Powder Technology, Volume 222, May 2012, Pages 71-79
Katarzyna Nienaltowska, Frédéric Depypere, Giacomo Perfetti, Gabrie M.H. Meesters, Frederik Ronsse, Jan G. Pieters, Koen Dewettinck

Research article
An experimental evaluation of the accuracy to simulate granule bed compression using the discrete element method
Powder Technology, Volume 219, March 2012, Pages 249-256
Ann-Sofie Persson, Göran Frenning

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2011

Research article
Dry particle high coating of biopowders: An energy approach
Powder Technology, Volume 208, Issue 2, 25 March 2011, Pages 378-382
S. Otles, O. Lecoq, J. A. Dodds

Research article
A density based segmentation method to determine the coordination number of a particulate system
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 66, Issue 24, 15 December 2011, Pages 6385-6392
Thanh T. Nguyen, Thanh N. Tran, Tofan A. Willemsz, Henderik W. Frijlink, Tuomas Ervasti, Jarkko Ketolainen, Kees van der Voort Maarschalk

Research article
Study of the preparation of a multiparticulate drug delivery system with a layering technique
Powder Technology, Volume 205, Issues 1–3, 10 January 2011, Pages 155-159
Krisztina Nikowitz, Péter Kása Jr., Klára Pintye-Hódi, Géza Regdon Jr.

Research article
Effect of annealing time and addition of lactose on release of a model substance from Eudragit® RS coated pellets produced by a fluidized bed coater
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 89, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 697-705
Ulrich M. Heckötter, Anette Larsson, Pornsak Sriamornsak, Mont Kumpugdee-Vollrath

Research article
Suspension pellet layering using PVA–PEG graft copolymer as a new binder
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 412, Issues 1–2, 30 June 2011, Pages 28-36
L. Suhrenbrock, G. Radtke, K. Knop, P. Kleinebudde

Research article
In-line particle sizing for real-time process control by fibre-optical spatial filtering technique (SFT)
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 22, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 203-208
Petrak Dieter, Dietrich Stefan, Eckardt Günter, Köhler Michael

Research article
Flowability of surface modified pharmaceutical granules: A comparative experimental and numerical study
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 42, Issue 3, 14 February 2011, Pages 199-209
Ann-Sofie Persson, Göran Alderborn, Göran Frenning

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2010

Research article
Labscale fluidized bed granulator instrumented with non-invasive process monitoring devices
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 164, Issues 2–3, 1 November 2010, Pages 268-274
Jari T. T. Leskinen, Matti-Antero H. Okkonen, Maunu M. Toiviainen, Sami Poutiainen, Mari Tenhunen, Pekka Teppola, Reijo Lappalainen, Jarkko Ketolainen, Kristiina Järvinen

Research article
X-ray micro tomography and image analysis as complementary methods for morphological characterization and coating thickness measurement of coated particles
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 21, Issue 6, November 2010, Pages 663-675
Giacomo Perfetti, Elke Van de Casteele, Bernd Rieger, Willem J. Wildeboer, Gabrie M.H. Meesters

Research article
Granule size distribution of tablets
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 99, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 2061-2069
Satu Virtanen, Osmo Antikainen, Heikki Räikkönen, Jouko Yliruusi

Research article
New insights into segregation during tabletting
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 397, Issues 1–2, 15 September 2010, Pages 19-26
S. Lakio, S. Siiriä, H. Räikkönen, S. Airaksinen, T. Närvänen, O. Antikainen, J.Yliruusi

Short communication
Can encapsulation lengthen the shelf-life of probiotic bacteria in dry products?
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 136, Issue 3, 1 January 2010, Pages 364-367
F. Weinbreck, I. Bodnár, M.L. Marco

Research article
Evaluation of in-line spatial filter velocimetry as PAT monitoring tool for particle growth during fluid bed granulation
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 76, Issue 1, September 2010, Pages 138-146
A. Burggraeve, T. Van Den Kerkhof, M. Hellings, J.P. Remon, C. Vervaet, T. De Beera

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2009

Research article
Impact of polymers on dissolution performance of an amorphous gelleable drug from surface-coated beads
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 37, Issue 1, 11 April 2009, Pages 1-10
Chon gFan, Rashmi Pai-Thakur, Wantanee Phuapradit, Lin Zhang, Hung Tian, Waseem Malick, Navnit Shah, M. Serpil Kislalioglu

Short communication
Raman spectroscopic investigation of film thickness
Polymer Testing, Volume 28, Issue 7, October 2009, Pages 770-772
T. Sovány, K. Nikowitz, G. Regdon Jr., P. Kása Jr., K. Pintye-Hódi

Research article
In vivo evaluation of the vaginal distribution and retention of a multi-particulate pellet formulation
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 73, Issue 2, October 2009, Pages 280-284
Nele Poelvoorde, Hans Verstraelen, Rita Verhelst, Bart Saerens, Ellen De Backer, Guido Lopes dos Santos Santiago, Chris Vervaet, Mario Vaneechoutte, Fabienne De Boeck, Luc Van Borteld, Marleen Temmerman, Jean-Paul Remon

Research article
Modulating pH-independent release from coated pellets: Effect of coating composition on solubilization processes and drug release
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 72, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 111-118
Simon Ensslin, Klaus Peter Moll, Hendrik Metz, Markus Otz, Karsten Mäder

Research article
Dry Particle High-Impact Coating of Biopowders: Coating Strength
Particulate Science and Technology, Volume 27(4), 2009
S. Ötles, O. Lecoq, J. A. Dodds

Research article

Formulation and Analytical Development for Low-Dose Oral Drug Products
John Wiley & Sons , inc. (2009), ISBN 978-0-470-05609-7
Jack Zheng (Editor)

List – Publications with MCC spheres, 2008 and earlier

Research article
Attrition strength of different coated agglomerates
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 63, Issue 5, March 2008, Pages 1361-1369
B. van Laarhoven, S.C.A. Wiers, S.H. Schaafsma, G.M.H. Meesters

Research article
Direct Drug Loading into Preformed Porous Solid Dosage Units by the Controlled Particle Deposition (CPD), a New Concept for Improved Dissolution Using SCF-Technology
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 97, Issue 10, October 2008, Pages 4416-4424
Ragna S. Wischumerski, Michael Türk, Martin A. Wahl

Research article
Optimisation of an enteric coated, layered multi-particulate formulation for ileal delivery of viable recombinant Lactococcus lactis
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 69, Issue 3, August 2008, Pages 969-976
Nele Poelvoorde, Nathalie Huyghebaert, Chris Vervaet, Jean-Paul Remon

Research article
Dynamic rearrangement of disulfide bridges influences solubility of whey protein coatings
International Dairy Journal, Volume 18, Issue 5, May 2008, Pages 566-573
René Floris, Igor Bodnár, Fanny Weinbreck, Arno C. Alting

Research article
New insight into modified release pellets – Internal structure and drug release mechanism
Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 128, Issue 2, 4 June 2008, Pages 149-156
Simon Ensslin, Klaus Peter Moll, Kurt Paulus, Karsten Mäder

Research article
Development of an enteric-coated, layered multi-particulate formulation for ileal delivery of viable recombinant Lactococcus lactis
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 61, Issue 3, October 2005, Pages 134-141
Nathalie Huyghebaert, An Vermeire, Pieter Rottiers, Erik Remaut, Jean Paul Remon

Research article
Evaluation of extrusion/spheronisation, layering and compaction for the preparation of an oral, multi-particulate formulation of viable, hIL-10 producing Lactococcus lactis
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 59, Issue 1, January 2005, Pages 9-15
Nathalie Huyghebaert, An Vermeire, Sabine Neirynck, Lothar Steidler, Eric Remaut, Jean Paul Remon

Research article
Liquid absorption capacity of carriers in the food technology
Powder Technology, Volume 134, Issue 3, 30 September 2003, Pages 201-209
Heidi Lankes, Karl Sommer, Bernd Weinreich


Continuous Manufacturing of Cocrystals Using 3D-Printed Microfluidic Chips Coupled with Spray Coating

Abstract on Continuous Manufacturing

Using cocrystals has emerged as a promising strategy to improve the physicochemical properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) by forming a new crystalline phase from two or more components. Particle size and morphology control are key quality attributes for cocrystal medicinal products. The needle-shaped morphology is often considered high-risk and complex in the manufacture of solid dosage forms. Cocrystal particle engineering requires advanced methodologies to ensure high-purity cocrystals with improved solubility and bioavailability and with optimal crystal habit for industrial manufacturing. In this study, 3D-printed microfluidic chips were used to control the cocrystal habit and polymorphism of the sulfadimidine (SDM): 4-aminosalicylic acid (4ASA) cocrystal. The addition of PVP in the aqueous phase during mixing resulted in a high-purity cocrystal (with no traces of the individual components), while it also inhibited the growth of needle-shaped crystals. When mixtures were prepared at the macroscale, PVP was not able to control the crystal habit and impurities of individual mixture components remained, indicating that the microfluidic device allowed for a more homogenous and rapid mixing process controlled by the flow rate and the high surface-to-volume ratios of the microchannels. Continuous manufacturing of SDM:4ASA cocrystals coated on beads was successfully implemented when the microfluidic chip was connected in line to a fluidized bed, allowing cocrystal formulation generation by mixing, coating, and drying in a single step.


SDM:4ASA cocrystal particle engineering has been successfully achieved using 3D-printed microfluidic chips. The addition of PVP in the aqueous phase during mixing has allowed the inhibition of needle-shaped crystals and the generation instead of spherical crystal habits with higher purity compared to conventional mixing. A successful continuous manufacturing method for the fabrication of cocrystal-coated particles has been demonstrated by the combination of microfluidic chips with a fluidized bed, allowing the process intensification of mixing and drying in one step.


Aytug Kara, Dinesh Kumar, Anne Marie Healy, Aikaterini Lalatsa, and Dolores R. Serrano.

Read more

Read more on continuous manufacturing of cocrystals by Kara et al. here and find out the functionality of CELLETS® 500 (pellets made of microcrystalline cellulose, size: 500-710 µm).
Modelling the disintegration of pharmaceutical tablets
Close-up SEM images of Cellets® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (bold).


Multidimensional Correlation of Surface Smoothness and Process Conditions is a necessary attempt to better understand, optimize and outperform process steps of drug formulations. Particle coating and layering in a fluidized bed process is a main attempt in pharmaceutical industry for drug production for modern oral dosage forms. The precise knowledge of control process parameters leads to high surface control of the drug-loaded particles and therefore is crucial for the quality and yield of production in a more general aspect. This application note presents a multidimensional attempt by Orth et al. [1] to correlate particle surface structure morphology and process conditions in a fluidized bed layering spray granulation. CELLETS® 500 are used as spherical, high-quality starter cores.

About fluidized bed process conditions

Fluidized bed processes are used in pharmaceutical, food and agro industries. Solid particles are transported in a defined gas stream inducing fluidized bed conditions. Solid-containing dispersions or liquids are sprayed onto the fluidized particles. Variable settings of process parameters allow particle layering, coating, coalescence and agglomeration. This point seems to make the fluidized bed becoming a universal process for particle processing, but also requests deeper knowledge about the desired process parameter settings: The goal is a stable, high-quality, high-output process.

Standard process parameters are:

  • liquid spray rate (m­1)
  • fluidization air flow rate (Vair)
  • fluidization air temperature (Tin)
  • spray air temperature (Tat)
  • spray atomization pressure (at)

Beside the spraying process, also the drying process plays an important role. By drying, moisture, sticky conditions and flowability are strongly influenced. Hampel [2] analyzed in her doctoral thesis the importance of the drying process using CELLETS® 200 as model particles.

Technology, Materials and Analysis

The coating experiments were carried out in a ProCell® 5 LabSystem with the fluidized bed process chamber GF3 (Glatt GmbH, Germany) as shown in Figure 1. The ProCell® 5 LabSystem is designed for testing of spouted bed and fluidized bed processes in the single kg-scale.

Sketch of the experimental fluidized bed setup (Procell® 5 LabSystem with GF3 chamber).

Fig.1: Sketch of the experimental fluidized bed setup (Procell® 5 LabSystem with GF3 chamber).

As Materials, pellets made of 100% microcrystalline cellulose (CELLETS® 500) are employed as perfect starter cores. These pellets provide smooth and defined surface properties, chemical inertness, robustness and a high degree of sphericity. Specific properties of CELLETS® 500 for this study are shown in Table 1. The roughness is at 1.5 µm and therefore delivers perfect initial conditions for controlled spray granulation.

Property Value
Sauter diameter 639 µm
Sphericity 0.96
Surface roughness 1.5 µm
Solid density 1.445 g/cm3

Table 1: Properties of CELLETS® 500.

As spray liquid, a 30 wt% sodium benzoate solution was injected into the process chamber. The mass ratio of spray liquid to starter cores was 1:2. Different coating conditions have statistically been driven. In turn, the spray-coated particles show different surface structures (Figure 2a-d).

SEM images of Cellets® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (bold).

Fig.2a: SEM images of CELLETS® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (bold).

Close-up SEM images of Cellets® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (bold).

Fig. 2b: Close-up SEM images of CELLETS® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (bold).

SEM images of Cellets® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (italic).

Fig. 2c: SEM images of CELLETS® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (italic).

Close-up SEM images of Cellets® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (italic).

Fig. 2d: Close-up SEM images of CELLETS® 500 particles coated with sodium benzoate at process conditions as printed in Table 2 (italic).


Parameter Controlled values
liquid spray rate (m­1) 10 | 15 | 20
fluidization air flow rate (Vair) 80 | 105 | 130
fluidization air temperature (Tin) 50 | 85 | 120
spray air temperature (Tat) 20 | 70 | 120
spray atomization pressure (at) 0.5 | 1.75 | 3.0

Table 2: Process parameters and values used in coating experiments.

The coated particles were analyzed regarding their surface roughness via laser scanning microscopy (VK-X160K, Keyence, Japan). Additional images were obtained with a scanning electron microscope (Supra VP55, Zeiss, Germany).

A 3D-profile of the particle surface was created and evaluated in a defined measurement area. Roughness analysis can be performed through several parameters as defined in DIN EN ISO 4287:2010-07 (2010) and DIN EN ISO 25178-2:2012 (2012). In this attempt, the arithmetical mean height was used as roughness quantifier. The roughness was correlated to the process parameters and the resulting linear correlation was rigorously analyzed using a principal component analysis.


A linear regression model is fitted to the roughness data using the ordinary least squares method. This enables to create a linear model connecting the chosen process parameters to the surface roughness of the coated particles. It is mentionable, that in this attempt the fluidization air flow rate and the spray air temperature did not show a significant effect on the surface structure and were therefore removed from the model.

Process conditions: Influence of the liquid spray rate

Figure 3: Surface roughness versus liquid spray rate. The crosses mark the experimentally investigated spray rates; line represents a linear interpolation.

Figure 3: Surface roughness versus liquid spray rate. The crosses mark the experimentally investigated spray rates; line represents a linear interpolation.

The dependence of the surface roughness on the spray rate of the sodium benzoate solution is shown in Figure 3. A slight increase of surface roughness is identified for increasing spray rates. The main effect is considered to be influenced by the crystallization of sodium benzoate. Following, crystallization is higher at higher spray rates caused by lower evaporation due to higher liquid volumes in the process. The dependence of the crystallization of sodium benzoate on the drying conditions during fluidized bed coating was also observed by Rieck et al. [3] and Hoffmann et al. [4].

Process conditions: Influence of the fluidization air inlet temperature

Figure 4: Surface roughness versus fluidization air inlet temperature. The crosses mark the experimentally investigated temperatures; line represents a linear interpolation.

Figure 4: Surface roughness versus fluidization air inlet temperature. The crosses mark the experimentally investigated temperatures; line represents a linear interpolation.

An increase in the fluidization air inlet temperature results in a lower roughness of the coated particles and therefore in a smoother particle surface. The temperature of the fluidization air has a major impact on the drying conditions during the spray granulation process. As an increased temperature causes reduced relative humidity, the heated air can absorb a larger amount of water, which results in a high drying rate. Crystal growth of spray droplets is reduced by fast evaporation times and short drying times.

Process conditions: Influence of the atomization pressure

Figure 5: Surface roughness versus spray atomization pressure. The crosses mark the experimentally investigated pressures; line represents a linear interpolation.

Figure 5: Surface roughness versus spray atomization pressure. The crosses mark the experimentally investigated pressures; line represents a linear interpolation.

With increasing atomization pressure from 0.5 bar to 3.0 bar, the surface roughness is decreasing. The pressure of the spray air strongly influences the droplet size and velocity. With increasing atomization pressure, the droplet size and size distribution decreases while the droplet velocity increases which in causes a more homogeneous spreading and promotes smoother surface coatings.


CELLETS® 500 are used as model particles for analyzing the surface roughness of coated particles dependent on process conditions in a bottom-spray process. As the results suggest, a high surface roughness is achieved at low fluidization air temperatures, low atomization pressures and high spray rates of the coating solution. Conversely, at high air temperatures, high spray pressures and low liquid spray rates, particles with smooth and compact surfaces are produced.


Prof. Stefan Heinrich and his team are gratefully acknowledged for serving content for this note:

Hamburg University of Technology - Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology
Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology
Contact: Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinrich
Denickestrasse 15, 21073 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: +49 40 42878 3750
E-mail: stefan.heinrich@tuhh.de
Website: https://www.tuhh.de/spe/

The authors got funding from the German Research Foundation within the DFG Graduate School GRK 2462 “Processes in natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems (PintPFS)” (Project No. 390794421) and funding from BASF SE.

CELLETS® 500 were sponsored by HARKE Pharma.


[1] M. Orth, P. Kieckhefen, S. Pietsch and S. Heinrich. KONA Powder and Particle Journal (2021). DOI: 10.14356/kona.2022016

[2] N.A. Hampel, Dissertation, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2015. DOI:10.25673/4340

[3] Rieck C., Hoffmann T., Bück A., Peglow M., Tsotsas E., Powder Technology, 272 (2015) 120–131. DOI:10.1016/j.powtec.2014.11.019

[4] Hoffmann T., Rieck C., Bück A., Peglow M., Tsotsas E., Procedia Engineering, 102 (2015) 458–467. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.01.189

Fig. 3: Dissolution as a function of time. Black: ASD layered pellets (FB). Red: ASD pellets from direct pelletization (SB). Blue: physical mixture.


Amorphous solid dispersions layered pellets solve a problem of poorly water soluble drugs. Speaking about oral drug formulations, drug carrier solutions based on starter cores are suitable for several drug classes and open new opportunities for modified drug release profiles. Layering and coating techniques, such as Wurster fluid bed process at different batch sizes, are well established.

However, an increasing number of poorly water soluble drugs challenges modern formulations. A novel approach improving the solubility of those drugs is to formulate them as amorphous solid dispersions (ASD) with a suitable polymer candidate [1]. In this study, Nifedipine was used as a model drug. Nifedipine manages angina, high blood pressure, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and premature labor [2].

Formulation & techniques

ASD formulations can be performed by hot-melt extrusion or spray drying technique. Both techniques have disadvantages such that hot-melt extrusion cannot be employed for temperature-sensitive drugs [3], and spray drying needs a further compaction step not to result in fine powder with poor flowability, broad particle size distribution and high sensitivity to electrostatic charge. Therefore, a further compaction step is required to obtain a freely flowable product [4].

In this context, two techniques for the preparation of ASDs are compared: A 6”-Wurster fluid bed with Type-C bottom plate (Glatt, Germany) and spouted bed (ProCell5™ with Zig-Zag-sifter, Glatt, Germany) are used.

A: GF3™ (fluidized bed); B: ProCell5™ (spouted bed)

Fig. 1: A: 6”-Wurster fluid bed; B: ProCell5™ spouted bed.

The formulation contains the drug and a stabilizing co-polymer (Kollidon®, KVA64, BASF, Germany). Nifedipine and Kollidon are mixed resulting in a drug load of 40 % (w/w) and dissolved in Acetone (30 % w/w solid content).

Parameter FB SB
Spray rate [g/min] 20 20-35
Product temp. [°C] 50-60 50-60
Process gas temp. [°C] 65 80
Process air flow [m³/h] 180-200 65-120
Spraying nozzle diameter [mm] 1.2 1.2
Spraying pressure [bar] 2.0 0.5

Table 1: Manufacturing parameters for fluid bed (FB) and spouted bed (SB).

In the fluid bed process, microcrystalline pellets (Cellets® 500, IPC Dresden, Germany) were layered with the spraying solution such that a drug load of 21.8 % (w/w) is reached. In the spouted bed process, fine powder is generated by spray drying, further agglomeration and layering. An overview on the process parameters is given in Table 1.

Dissolution Tests

Dissolution tests were conducted in a PBS buffer at pH 6.8 and 37 °C (± 0.5 °C). A physical mixture of Nifedipine and KVA64 (40 % w/w drug load) is used as reference.


In the following, results from both experiments, which are amorphous solid dispersions layered pellets (fluid bed) and ASD pellets from direct pelletization (spouted bed) are compared.

Flowability and particle size

ASD layered pellets show a better sphericity, higher level of monodispersity and better flowability properties than the ASD pellets from direct pelletization (Figure 2). Nonetheless, it has to be pointed out that both techniques result in a high particle quality for capsule filling. Analysis data is shown in Table 2.

Parameter FB SB
10 [µm] 824 ± 23 559 ± 28
D50 [µm] 943 ± 13 732 ± 50
D90 [µm] 1091 ± 11 1374 ± 410
Bulk density [g/L] 427 280
Flowability [s/100g] 12.1 16.2

Table 2: Analysis of ASD layered pellets (FB) and ASD pellets from direct compaction (SB).

SEM images of processed pellets. A: ASD layered pellets based on Cellets® (FB)

Fig. 2a: SEM images of processed pellets. A: ASD layered pellets based on Cellets® (FB)

SEM images of processed pellets. B: ASD pellets from direct palletization (SB)

Fig. 2b: SEM images of processed pellets. B: ASD pellets from direct pelletization (SB)

Dissolution profiles

Independent from the processing technique, pellets achieved an approximately factor 2 higher end concentration than the physical mixture. Pellets obtained from the fluid bed process showed a clear supersaturation phase after 1 hour and a generally higher dissolution rate than pellets obtained from the spouted bed process. Contrarily, the dissolution rate of the latter pellets approaches the supersaturation phase more continuously after 3 hours.

Fig. 3: Dissolution as a function of time. Black: ASD layered pellets (FB). Red: ASD pellets from direct pelletization (SB). Blue: physical mixture.

Fig. 3: Dissolution as a function of time. Black: ASD layered pellets (FB). Red: ASD pellets from direct pelletization (SB). Blue: physical mixture.


Both techniques, fluid bed and spouted bed as well, can be employed for manufacturing amorphous solid dispersions with good flow properties and dissolution profiles. Both techniques can be scaled up to pilot and production scale for batch or continuous manufacture of freely flowable ASDs. Cellets® serve stable and reliable cores for this venture.


We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Annette Grave and Dr. Norbert Pöllinger (Glatt Pharmaceutical Services, Germany), and Prof. Karl G. Wagner and Marius Neuwirth (University Bonn, Germany).


[1] T. Vasconcelos, B. Sarmento, and P. Costa, Drug Discovery Today, 12(23): 1068-1075 (2007)

[2] “Nifedipine”. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Retrieved: Sept 17, 2019.

[3] J. Breitenbach, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, (54)2: 107-117 (2002)

[4] I. Weuts et al., Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, (100)1: 260-274 (2011)

The renaissance of micropellets is promoting innovative technologies

In recent years, formulations based on pellets and micropellets have been the trend. New technologies make it possible to circumvent property rights for active ingredients and are therefore very popular with pharmaceutical customers. But which technologies are the most important?

Pellets are the jack-of-alltrades of solid dosage forms. Positioned somewhere between powder and granulate, they make bitter medicine more palatable and can even awaken a child’s instinct to play when the dosage forms are imaginative enough. One well-known example is the Xstraw, a plastic tube shaped like a drinking straw which is filled with pellets of active ingredient, through which children or elderly people can take in the medicine with water. Pellets in tablets are also making a splash – hybrids which combine all the advantages of both dosage forms. The pioneers in the development of these formulations, known as Multiple Unit Pellet Systems (or MUPS for short), was Astra Zeneca in 1999. Their move to embed the proton pump inhibitor Omeprazole in micropellets and then compress these pellets into immediate release tablets was an award-winning one at the time. The development of MUPS and Xstraw symbolizes the impetus pellets have fueled in recent years.

Klaus N. Möller, Head of Business Development at Glatt in Binzen / Germany, explains: “New excipients, coating materials and sophisticated processes allow us to extend the patent protection period and to make the dosage form more attractive.“

The number of patents registered yearly for pellet-based formulations has increased exponentially and is set to continue. According to research performed by IMS Health, the market for OSD (Oral Solid Dosage Forms) is growing by 6 to 8 percent every year. The number of drugs approved by the FDA also reflect this trend: in 2015, more than half were solid products.

Pellets, as defined by pharmacy guru Prof. Peter Kleinebudde are “an isometric agglomerate of powder particles in an approximate spherical or cylindrical form”, and are a task for perfectionists. The smoother and rounder the pellets, the better they are at fulfilling their purpose. The equipment manufacturer Glatt and their specialists from Pharmaceutical Services have been actively ursuing the subject for years.

There are two fundamental ways of making active ingredient pellets: direct pelletization, in which the powdered active ingredient and excipient combine in a matrix, and active ingredient layering, in which uses side spray or Wurster technology to apply the active ingredient to a starter core of sugar or microcrystalline cellulose.

A case for the specialists

One interesting process variant for matrix pellets is the extrusion of wet granulate in a basket extruder and subsequent rounding in a spheronizer. Möller elucidates: “Continuous wet granulation, followed by extrusion, spheronization and drying now make it possible to perform continuous processes”. Active ingredient pellets made like this can then be covered with a functional coating, be continuously mixed with excipients and be directly compressed into a MUPS tablet. The challenge is to avoid separation of the ingredients and destruction of the tablets during pressing.

Glatt, whose portfolio comprises all granulation and pellet manufacturing techniques, has spent recent years developing additional ways of “fine tuning” the pellet process and has opened up a range of new, interesting possibilities for the lifecycle management of active ingredients.

Pellets and micropellets can be further processed into a wide range

Pellets and micropellets can be further processed into a wide range

Applying the final touches

But what differentiates the manufacturing of granulates from the manufacturing of pellets? From a pharmaceutical point of view, both processes are closely related and are only separated by the form of the particle, since the ideal shape for pellets is a sphere. There are also definite commonalities in procedure. As Möller explains: “The fluidized bed can be used for both granulation and pelletization. This is why we configure fluidized bed machines on request to be multipurpose installations which then allow the continuous manufacturing of pellets. The individual process modules for direct pelletization with rotor technology, for layering active ingredient and for pellet coating with Wurster technology or the simple drying of wet granulates can be added as necessary. Wurster technology has been used in practice for many years: it is a fluidized bed technique in which starter cores or active ingredient pellets are sprayed with a insists. Möller says: “This method is robust and, because the process is so stable, it’s generally the most popular way to process pellets.”

Depending on the composition of the tablets, processing can last anywhere between eight and ten hours. The knack is knowing how to optimize the efficiency and times of the production process. Additionally, Möller recommends timely expert assistance during the development of the pellet formulation and the production process: “Right from the beginning, it will help to avoid mistakes and to keep an eye on process times and manufacturing costs”.

Micropellets and more

Glatt’s development team demonstrated how to refine an established process with the fluidized bed agglomeration technique known as MicroPx. The trick is to use the Conti process, which was conceived in Pharmaceutical Services’ laboratories in Binzen: first, the active ingredient/excipient liquid is spray-dried to a very fine product dust in a fluidized bed and agglomerated into tiny primary particles. The micropellets then build up, layer by layer, until the desired size is reached. The heart of this technology is a zigzag classifier which continuously ejects particles of sufficient size from the process, while simultaneously allowing smaller particles to reenter the process chamber where they continue to grow. Möller explains that the result of this method are high dosage active ingredient pellets in the size range of 100 to 400 μm with a narrow particle size distribution and content uniformity of a consistent 90 to 95 percent. This means that one significant limitation of former times is now no longer an issue: for many years, the volume of a pellet- filled capsule was larger — and therefore much harder to swallow — than the equivalent tablet with the same dose and composition. The use of microencapsulation, which changes bitter-tasting active ingredients into tasteless microparticles, means the taste is much improved now, too. Micropellets can be also pressed into tablets or MUPS tablets which already begin disintegration in the mouth. But the reason pharmaceutical companies find the MicroPx process so exciting is that it makes completely new formulations possible and therefore allows the legal circumvention of property rights. The technology experts have long known the secret to the perfect pellet, too, an answer provided by Complex Perfect Spheres Technology (CPS). CPS is a souped-up rotor process for fluidized bed machines that uses direct pelletization to yield functionalized pellets and micropellets which are perfectly round and smooth. Unlike classic rotor technology, the modified technique uses a tapered rotating disc which allows the movement of particles to be directed and pelletization to be performed to a defined endpoint. The results are perfectly spherical pellets of exactly defined sizes of between 100 and 1500 μm and extremely narrow size distribution. This is how Glatt’s own Cellets of microcrystalline cellulose are created, which are used as starter cores for pellets and in the Wurster process, for example — thus completing the formulation cycle.


Klaus Möller, Head of Business Development Glatt Process Technology Pharma


Microcrystalline cellulose pellets (MCC) and sugar are well-known materials in pellet technology. Pellet technology describes the drug load onto starter pellets for controlled release formulations by Wurster process or others. Inert pellets are made of microcrystalline cellulose, while water soluble pellets are composed of sugar. Both material classes show desirable characteristics, such as a narrow particle size distribution, sphericity, surface smoothness. Also the batch-to-batch reproducibility and robustness of starter cores is high. A comparison does not seem to be that easy …

Starter cores in the micron range

Respecting the final application, the initial size of starter pellets defines the final size of the drug loaded pellet. In case of several layers of API and excipients, the initial size is factorized by the layering process. Pellet sizes in a range from 200 µm to 700 µm are frequently used (Table 1). We will focus on three size classes within this range and compare MCC pellets with those made of sugar.


Figure 1: MCC pellets (here: Cellets® 200) are shown with good sphericity and striking surface smoothness.

Small-sized pellets starting at 200 µm

Small-sized pellets with sizes starting at 200 µm and larger, exhibit a comparably large surface-to-volume ratio. This can be beneficial in some applications. For example, taste-masking of bitter API is accessible.


Figure 2: Sugar pellets (here: 50/70 mesh) are shown with moderate sphericity and reduced surface smoothness.

Figure 1 displays a microscopic image of MCC Cellets® 200 and Figure 2 displays the image of sugar pellets in 50/70 mesh, respectively. It is obvious, that for small-sized pellets, the sphericity and surface smoothness of MCC pellets is superior.

Size MCC Sugar
small Cellets® 200 50/70 mesh
Medium Cellets® 350 40/50 mesh
large Cellets® 500 25/30 mesh

Table 1: Size definition of MCC and sugar pellets.

Mid-sized pellets up to 500 µm

This class of pellets is frequently used for multi-layer coating technologies. Easy processing and reliable batch-to-batch control are positive aspects. Exemplary application is a hydrocortisone formulation for peadiatrics. Again, Figure 3 (MCC pellets) and Figure 4 (sugar pellets) show advantages in surface properties for the MCC material.


Figure 3: MCC pellets (Cellets® 350) are shown.


Figure 4: Sugar pellets (40/50 mesh) are shown

Large-sized pellets above 500 µm

In some applications, larger pellet sizes are requested. Let’s have short excurse into straws which can contain larger pellets in dry state. Upon use by sucking liquid through the straw, the API coating dissolves immediately while the pellet remains in the straw by simple filters.

In this size range the striking advantages of MCC pellets are not of immediate importance, but still visible.


Figure 5: MCC pellet above 500 µm (Cellets® 500).


Figure 6: Sugar pellet above 500 µm (25/30 mesh).


Microcrystalline cellulose pellets (Cellets®) show superior surface and sphericity properties compared to sugar pellets. In case of non-dissolving applications, MCC pellets are first choice. As sugar pellets exhibit strong dissolution in water, there is still a fair application range for them.